Sunday, December 5, 2010

Strength (Squat, Press)


19 Pullups (PR)

Squat 3x5

Press 3x5

Weighted Pullups 3x4

Weighted Dips 3x10

3x25 L Dips
3x20 Knees to Elbows

Notes: PR on pullups today (19), didn't even really plan on doing the pullups at the time, but while waiting on another guy to finish up with the squat rack I got bored. I did get eye level with the bar on number 20 but couldn't bring it up all the way. Weighted pullups and dips have definitely improved over the past couple of weeks, will increase to 45lb. next week.


Shane said...

Any idea who's in that picture?

Onealjc said...

Shane, no idea buddy. I borrowed it from a veteran's group website but I cannot recall/find which one it was right now for the life of me...if I find it again i'll let you know.