Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Bike - 8 Miles

Notes: Ate way too much today, 'tis the season.

Friday, December 24, 2010


Overhead Squat 3x5

Weighted Pullups 3x5 (plate+belt)

400m Run
15 KB Swings (45)
10 DB Thrusters (25)
20 GHD Situps
400m Run
15 Box Jumps
10 Squats
20 Pushups
400yd. Run
15 Back Extensions
10 Burpees
20 4-Count Flutterkicks
400yd. Run

Notes: Legs been sore all week, but nutrition hasn't been great to enhance faster recovery either. Left foot that was fractured last December has been bothering me lately, been doing some MWods so hopefully it helps a little.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Rest Day

Notes: Moving day. Legs sore, nutrition so-so.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


100 Pullups

10 Minutes MWod

Notes: Moving next couple of days=no fun. Pullups in door frame bar.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


(Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs, CO. August CO. Trip '10)


Press 4 Sets

Pullups (regular,chins,neutral,mixed)

Bent-Over DB Rows 3x8

3,000m Row

Notes: Inner sides of shin's a little sore from the sprints yesterday. Press's felt good, don't think I'll make the year end goal, although I'm probably within 5 pounds so we'll see I have a few more times to give it a shot.

Monday, December 20, 2010


1.5 Mile Run-Untimed

10x100yd. Sprints, Maximum Effort
Sprint 100yds, Walking rest 100yds, Repeat.

Notes: Felt strong on the run/sprints today. Only slept 6 hours last night and strangely haven't felt as energized as I was today in quite some time.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Hero WOD

(Lieutenant Andrew Richard Nutall 30, from the 1st Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (1 PPCLI), based in Edmonton, Alberta, serving as a member of the 1 PPCLI Battle Group was Killed in action on December 23, 2009.)


1 Round of:
50 Push-ups
225 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
25 Box jumps, 30 inch box
50 Pull-ups
100 Wallball shots, 18 pounds
25  GHD Situps
Run 400 meters with a 45lb plate

Notes: Feels good to be back in the gym without having to stress about school, at least for a month anyways. Variation of "Nutts" didn't have jump rope, subbed handstand pushups. Little harder than I expected overall, but I'm positive I have lost some conditioning due to the busy schedule these last few months. However, my lifts have progressed quite well since starting a program that focuses on increasing overall barbell strength.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010



Bench Press
2x5@75%-1RM (185)
2x3@85%-1RM (205)

L-Dips Weighted (25lbs.) 15-20-25
Dips 15-20-25

10 Minutes-Hip Mobility w/ Resistance Bands

Notes: Quick workout before close, felt a little weak throughout the workout. However, nutrition has been horrible this week due to finals and just being in a constant rush so once I get dialed back in it'll be all good. 

Thursday, December 16, 2010



Squat 3x5

Press 3x5

3 Rounds:
10 KB Swings (45lbs)
10 Goblin Squats (45lbs)
Run 500m

2 Rounds: No rest between rounds
1:00 Plank Hold
1:00 L Side Plank
1:00 R Side Plank

Notes: One year anniversary of my cuboid fracture, and oddly enough it was bothering me a little today. Did 5 minutes of foot MWod. Felt a little drained today, nutrition was horrible, clean but not near enough calories. Oh, and the gym really needs to invest in heavier KB's, but pretty unlikely since I don't think many people use them in the first place.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Rest Day

Notes: Mentally exhausted from seven finals and three term papers in three days, instead of dragging around in the gym took the day off to recoup and hit it hard tomorrow. Traps are pretty sore from PC's, hands a little busted up from monkey bars.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


(Warrior Dash - Interesting find today, never heard of it. There is going to be two in Texas and one in CO within the next 6 months, looks like a good time and pretty close to me, might have to keep it in mind.)


Power Clean 5x3

50 Floor Wipers
50 GHD Situps

8 Minutes of Monkey bar drills

Notes: Haven't done monkey bars in quite some time, pretty taxing on the shoulders, definitely good for increasing my grip strength, something I certainly want to be strong in. Kept the PC weight across for all sets today, focusing on form. Found myself not resting on the shoulders at the top but more so on my hands/wrist. I found myself not pushing my elbows out far enough in front of me at the top, in which I need to focus on making them more parallel with the floor. Going to reduce weight next week and really get my form back in line. Richard Patterson has great form: Richard Patterson PC

Monday, December 13, 2010

Strength+Run (Squat, Bench, Run)

(The Nuge turns 62 today.)

21-15-9 Pullups, Air squats (Did 22 pullups first set which is '10 goal/PR)


Squat 3x5

Bench 3x


1 Mile Run
1000m Row
1 Mile Run

Notes: Completed one of my most important goals for myself this year which was 22 pullups, pretty stoked about it. I would definitely give the work on the weighted pullups credit, they have been amazing in increasing my numbers. Shoulders(delts) were pretty sore today, which probably effected my bench because they felt horrible.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Rest Day

Notes: Unplanned rest day, but finished up my term papers and studied for all my exams next week. Maybe mental toughness training? Delts were shot today, overhead squats get 'em everytime.

Saturday, December 11, 2010



750yd. CSS


3 Rounds at 95#:

5 Press
5 Overhead Squat

Deadlift 6x1

Weighted Pullups 3x5

Weighted Dips 3x5

Notes: Nutrition has been horrible the last couple of days, overall it has been pretty clean but not near enough calories and protein, really felt it during the workout today.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Rest day

(Belarus—Naked on an 18°F day, Valentsin Tolkachev clears an icy canal for swimming. The 69-year-old started the Optimalists—a Minsk-based club with 200-some members—in 1989 to promote hale activities in rural settings.) I am now convinced the Russians have superman like resistance to the cold, either that or they're all really drunk on vodka.

Notes: Shoulders a little tense today, calf's slightly sore. Busy with school today, almost done for the semester..finally

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Strength (Squat,Press)

(Barbara Walters has named General David Petraeus her most fascinating person of the year, this is shocking. Especially since the Jersey Shore cast were right before him (which is a complete joke..). Maybe our society is not as celebrity crazy as I thought. (which would also be a joke..)

Squat 3x5

Press 3x5

Calf Raises 2x15-Single leg

Weighted Pullup 70 (PR)

Notes: Right pec a little sore today, I think I tweaked it a tad yesterday messing around. Pretty boring workout tonight, rushed for time because of finals tomorrow and next week. 7 finals/4 term papers/3days=no bueno. PR on weighted pullups today, which was a complete accident. Was helping another trainee find his 1rm and strapped on the weight while he was resting out of boredom.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Active Recovery (Run)

(Palo Duro Canyon State Park, America's seconds largest canyon.)

50 Minute Run

Max Situps in 2:00
87 (PR)

Max Pushups in 2:00
85 (PR)

Notes: Wanted to go on a trail run today at Palo Duro after class, however with finals and everything going on simply did not have the time, so I settled with a neighborhood run instead. Calfs were extemely stiff/sore after the run today. PR on both situps and pushups today, so close to year's goal but no'll come though. Beautiful day outside, which is unusual for this time of year.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Swim+Strength (PC,WP)


1,000yd. CSS
100yd. Kicking on back
10:00 Treading water


Power Clean 5x3 (4 sets at 70%, 1 set at 95%)

Work to 1RM Weighted Pullup (plate&belt)

Notes: Progressed a little faster than expected on the weighted pullups, goal for '10 was 55, hit 65 today and I would love to hit 75 by the end of the month, we'll see. Failed first two clean reps at 165 on the 95% set, could have probably hit the first one if I would have got under it a little faster/better, but the second attempt was a no-go all together. Happy that I achieved one of my goals today, offsets the failed cleans a little :)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Strength+Conditioning (BP, Short METCON)

(Karnivool is a five-piece alternative/progressive rock music group from Perth, Western Australia formed in 1997. Listened to Karnivool the entire workout so I figured dedicating a picture to them tonight would be fitting, I usually prefer a little heavier but there a nice break from the overplayed radio American alternative bands.)


Worked to 1RM Bench Press

3 x 5 at 75% 1RM


3 Rounds of:

5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats
20 Knees to Elbows

3x15 Calf Raises
3x5 Towel Pullups

Notes: Overall pleased with the new PR today, probably can squeeze out 250 for sure, maybe 255. Atleast I can now accurately organize my %'s of 1RM on bench workouts from now on. I always forget to work on towel pullups, so here is my reminder.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Strength (Squat, Press)


19 Pullups (PR)

Squat 3x5

Press 3x5

Weighted Pullups 3x4

Weighted Dips 3x10

3x25 L Dips
3x20 Knees to Elbows

Notes: PR on pullups today (19), didn't even really plan on doing the pullups at the time, but while waiting on another guy to finish up with the squat rack I got bored. I did get eye level with the bar on number 20 but couldn't bring it up all the way. Weighted pullups and dips have definitely improved over the past couple of weeks, will increase to 45lb. next week.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Rest Day

Notes: Another day to school work, semester's almost over though so I can be thankful for that.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Bodyweight METCON

(A squad of SEAL Qualification Training candidates submerge themselves in near freezing water during a re-warming exercise.)


50-4-Count Flutterkicks
50-Walking Lunges
50-Calf Raises

Notes: Didn't have enough time to make it to the gym today, quick backyard METCON. Got really dizzy after the burpees which is not normal (although burpees do suck), probably because I have been a little under the weather the last couple of days. PR on the burpees (4:12 ), was trying really hard for under 3:40 but just wasn't up to it today.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Rest Day

(On this day in 1969,the Boeing 747 jumbo jet debuted.)

Notes: Traps are totally shot today, feels like I'm coming down with a cold also. Overall did not feel so great today.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


(On this day in history, The Beatles' first single, "I Want to Hold Your Hand," was released in the United States)


Power Clean 5x3

Floor Wiper 3x20 (holding 115# in air)

Weighted Pullups 3x3 (belt+plate)


2000m Row

3 Rounds of:
15 KB Swings (45)
20 GHD Situps

Notes: PR on the cleans today of 175, tried to hit it twice but failed on the second rep, happy with it nonetheless. I can definitely tell my lifts are getting better all across the board since starting the new program, which in turn will be beneficial for everything.